Empowering Academic Research

Our software has been supporting organisations across the globe since 2003.

Today, Monash, King's College London, and the 100+ other academic institutions ensure their research lifecycle is efficient and compliant through our software.

100+ Other Universities Love Our End-to-End Research Platform
100+ Universities institutions streamline their research processes with Infonetica

Our mission is to Empower Research to Advance Lives

Research is the engine of progress, driving innovations that transform lives and solve global challenges.

At Infonetica, we're committed to fueling this engine by empowering universities in their pursuit of knowledge and breakthrough discoveries through our software and support.

Our commitment is rooted in five key principles:

1. Advancing Human Knowledge: We accelerate research across all disciplines, from helping decode the human genome to unravelling the mysteries of dark matter.

2. Fostering Collaboration: We break down silos, connecting minds across departments, institutions and continents to spark unprecedented innovations.

3. Ensuring Ethical Standards: We champion research integrity, developing cutting-edge tools that uphold the highest ethical standards in data management and participant protection.

4. Democratizing Access: We level the playing field, ensuring that both emerging colleges and established universities can access state-of-the-art research tools.

5. Driving Societal Impact: We bridge the gap between academia and society, helping translate ground-breaking research into real-world solutions for climate change, healthcare, and beyond.

Let's take a look at how that looks in practice.
The University of Manchester reduced ethics review time by 50%

The Challenge:

  • Inefficient processes
  • Limited visibility
  • Compliance challenges

The outcome:

  • 50% reduction in turnaround time
  • 17 days saved per ethics application
  • 15 days saves for compliance audites
  • Streamlined and automated reviews across 14 different review panels
  • Significantly improved the user experience for applicants, reviewers and administrators.
View the full case study.
"With over 10 years of partnership with Infonetica, Ethics RM has enabled us to streamline and automate our research ethics processes, providing us greater strategic oversight and empowering us to maintain compliance across our operations."
Genevieve Pridham
Research Ethics Manager
Monash University reduced time to research start by over 40 days

The Challenge:

  • Manual (paper-based) processes leading to resource inefficiencies
  • Centralised processes making it hard for departments to respond to changes in requirements

The outcome:

  • 30% reduction in committee review times
  • 40 day reduction in submission approval time (from 90 to 50-60days)
  • Began knowledge sharing between institutions using the system to address the same government criteria, regulations, and guidelines
  • Enabled fast adaptation to changing legislation through configurable forms and workflows
View the full case study.
"It’s so simple to use that we can make these changes ourselves without the need for our IT department. We, the research management experts, own the system.

Were very impressed with how Ethics RM enables Monash to respond to and comply with changes in legislation quickly."
Dr Simon Barrett
Director for the Office of Research Ethics and Integrity
King's College London automated their administration

The Challenge:

  • Heavy administration burden, including frequent incomplete submissions
  • Isolated processes and poor inter-departmental collaboration
  • User difficulties using the platform
  • Concerns about replacing their old system

The outcome:

  • Full automation of key events like application submission, completion of review and submission to the committee
  • 100% submission completion rate
  • Streamlined and automated reviews across 14 different review panels
  • Single sign-on for students using University credentials
View the full case study.
"The old system wasn’t actually broken, but it was very unwieldy and took a lot of resources to operate. We had a good idea of what we need a new system to do. With Infonetica’s help, achieved that, and if I can do it, anyone can!"
Marice Lunny
Director of Research Governance, Ethics and Integrity

It's all made possible through our End-to-End Research Platform

Grant Proposal Application & Review Software

Data Protection Impact Assessment Sotware

Research Due Diligence Software

Post-Award Software

Manage your funding activities with Post-award.

Create Your Own Solution

Still haven't found the software that you're looking for? Then we'll make it for you.

Open Flow is our completely customisable platform that allows completely new forms, workflows and automations to be set up, specific to your unique organisational needs.

Book a call with us today - we will be happy to show what is possible for your organisation.

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Let’s see how we can improve your research.
It’s usually something like...
$18m overall cost savings
15 days saved per compliance audit
40 day reduction in time to research start
"Our old system wasn’t actually broken, but it was very unwieldy and took a lot of resources to operate. We had a good idea of what we need a new system to do. With Infonetica’s help, we achieved that, and if I can do it, anyone can."
Marice Lunny
Director of Research Governance, Ethics and Integrity
King's College London