5-Step Expert Guide: APA Cite NASW Code of Ethics (2024)

Are you tired of staring at your computer screen, unsure how to properly cite the NASW Code of Ethics in APA format? You're not alone. As a social work professional or student, mastering this citation is crucial for maintaining academic integrity and demonstrating your understanding of ethical standards.

In this 5-step expert guide, we'll walk you through the process of citing the NASW Code of Ethics in APA format, making it simple and straightforward. Whether you're writing a research paper, case study, or professional report, you'll learn how to accurately reference this essential document.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the importance of the NASW Code of Ethics in social work practice
  • Learn the correct APA citation format for the NASW Code of Ethics
  • Master in-text citations for both general references and specific sections
  • Avoid common citation mistakes and ensure consistency in your writing
  • Discover tools and resources to streamline your citation process

By the end of this guide, you'll be confidently citing the NASW Code of Ethics like a pro, enhancing the credibility of your work and showcasing your commitment to ethical social work practice. Let's dive in and demystify the APA citation process for this crucial document.

What is APA citation for the NASW Code of Ethics?

The APA citation for the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics is a crucial aspect of academic and professional writing in social work.

This guide will help you understand the Code, APA citation basics, and why accurate citation is essential in social work practice.

Understanding the NASW Code of Ethics

The NASW Code of Ethics is a comprehensive guide that defines the values, principles, and standards of ethical behaviour for professional social workers. It serves as:

  1. A moral compass for ethical decision-making in practice
  2. A tool for professional accountability
  3. A framework for addressing ethical dilemmas

The Code is essential in social work practice as it guides professionals in challenging situations, such as maintaining client confidentiality, setting appropriate boundaries, and advocating for social justice. It empowers social workers to advocate for the oppressed and speak for those who can't speak for themselves.

In 2021, the NASW updated the Code to address contemporary issues, including:

  • The importance of professional self-care
  • More explicit guidance on cultural competence
  • Ethical considerations in the use of technology

These revisions ensure that social workers are equipped to handle the complexities of modern practice while upholding the profession's core values.

Basics of APA Citation Style

APA (American Psychological Association) citation style is the standard format for social sciences, including social work. It provides a consistent method for acknowledging sources and presenting research.

Key components of APA citations include:

  1. Author(s)
  2. Publication date
  3. Title of the work
  4. Source information (e.g., publisher, URL)

For the NASW Code of Ethics, the APA citation looks like this:

National Association of Social Workers. (2021). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English

For in-text citations, use: (National Association of Social Workers [NASW], 2021) for the first mention, and (NASW, 2021) for subsequent references.

Why Proper Citation Matters

Accurate citation of the NASW Code of Ethics is crucial in social work for several reasons:

  1. Academic integrity: Proper citation demonstrates respect for intellectual property and avoids plagiarism, a serious ethical violation in academia and professional practice.
  2. Professional credibility: Citing the Code correctly shows your familiarity with professional standards and enhances your credibility as a social worker.
  3. Ethical practice: Referencing specific sections of the Code (e.g., NASW, 2021, Section 1.07) in your work demonstrates how ethical principles inform your practice decisions.
  4. Knowledge advancement: Accurate citations allow colleagues to verify information, fostering ongoing dialogue and development in the field of social work.
  5. Transparency: Proper citation enables readers to trace information back to its source, allowing them to verify and delve deeper into topics.

By mastering APA citation for the NASW Code of Ethics, you're not just following academic rules – you're upholding the ethical standards of your profession and contributing to the integrity of social work practice. This skill is invaluable throughout your career, from writing research papers to documenting client interventions, and demonstrates your commitment to professional excellence in all aspects of your work.

Step 1: Identify the Source Information

When citing the NASW Code of Ethics in APA format, it's crucial to gather accurate source information. This ensures your citation is precise and up-to-date, allowing readers to easily locate the referenced material. Let's break this process down into manageable steps.

Locating the NASW Code of Ethics

The most reliable source for the NASW Code of Ethics is the official National Association of Social Workers website:

  1. Visit the NASW website.
  2. Navigate to the "About" section and select "Ethics".
  3. Look for the link to the Code of Ethics.

The Code is available in multiple formats:

  • Online Version: The most up-to-date and easily accessible format.
  • PDF Download: Ideal for offline access or when referencing specific page numbers.
  • Print Copy: Available for order through the NASW online store.

Gathering Essential Citation Elements

To create an accurate APA citation, collect the following information:

  1. Author: National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
  2. Publication Year: As of 2024, the most recent version was published in 2021. Always double-check this date.
  3. Title: "National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics"
  4. URL: The direct link to the online version

Example APA citation:

National Association of Social Workers. (2021). National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics. https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English

In-text citation: (National Association of Social Workers, 2021)

Verifying the Latest Version

Using the most current version is crucial because:

  • It reflects the most up-to-date ethical standards in social work practice.
  • Recent versions incorporate changes in professional guidelines and societal norms.
  • Citing an outdated version could lead to misunderstandings or inaccuracies.

To verify you're using the latest version:

  1. Check the publication date on the NASW website.
  2. Look for any announcements about recent updates.
  3. Compare the publication date with any older versions you might have.

When handling multiple revisions:

  • Always use the most recent version unless specifically required to reference an older edition.
  • If citing an older version, clearly indicate the year and provide context for why that specific edition is being used.
Bottom line: Accurately identifying and citing the NASW Code of Ethics is fundamental to maintaining academic integrity and professional standards in social work. By following these steps, you ensure your work is grounded in the most current ethical principles. Remember to double-check your source information before citing to maintain the highest standards of accuracy in your academic or professional writing.

Step 2: Format the Reference List Entry

Creating an accurate reference list entry for the NASW Code of Ethics is crucial for proper citation. Let's break down the process step-by-step.

Basic Structure of an APA Reference Entry

For the NASW Code of Ethics, the reference entry follows this structure:

Author. (Year). Title. URL

Specific Format for NASW Code of Ethics

  1. Correct formatting of the organization name: List the full name: National Association of Social Workers
  2. Proper italicization of the title: Italicize "National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics"
  3. Inclusion of the URL: Add the direct link to the document

Example Reference List Entry

Here's a correctly formatted reference entry:

National Association of Social Workers. (2021). National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics. https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English

Let's break down each component:

  • Author: National Association of Social Workers
  • Year: (2021) - reflects the latest revision
  • Title: National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics - in italics
  • URL: Direct link to the document

For different versions or editions, adjust the year and URL accordingly. For example, the 2017 version:

National Association of Social Workers. (2017). National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics. https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English (Note: Use the actual URL for the 2017 version if different)

Expert Tip: Always verify the URL before finalizing your reference list to ensure it's active and points to the correct document version.
Bottom line: Accurate formatting of your NASW Code of Ethics reference demonstrates precision in academic writing and enables readers to easily locate and verify your source, enhancing the credibility of your work. For a comprehensive understanding of the NASW Code of Ethics, refer to the official website.

When citing other professional codes of ethics, such as the ACA Code of Ethics, similar principles apply, but always check the specific guidelines for each organization.

Step 3: Create In-Text Citations

Creating accurate in-text citations is crucial when referencing the NASW Code of Ethics in your academic or professional writing. Let's explore the two main types of in-text citations and how to cite specific sections of the Code.

Parenthetical Citations

Parenthetical citations are used when you reference the NASW Code of Ethics without mentioning the organization's name in your sentence. The format is:

(National Association of Social Workers, Year)


"Social workers must maintain client confidentiality except in specific circumstances (National Association of Social Workers, 2021)."

Use parenthetical citations to emphasize the information rather than the source, particularly at the end of sentences or after quotations. This format is especially useful when discussing general ethical principles without directly attributing them to the NASW.

Narrative Citations

Narrative citations incorporate the source into your sentence structure. The format is:

National Association of Social Workers (Year)


"According to the National Association of Social Workers (2021), social workers should strive to become and remain proficient in professional practice and cultural competence."

Use narrative citations to highlight the NASW's authority, especially when introducing key concepts or principles from the Code. This format is effective when you want to emphasize the NASW as the source of specific ethical guidelines or standards.

Citing Specific Sections or Principles

When referencing particular parts of the NASW Code of Ethics:

  1. Include a reference entry for the entire Code in your reference list.
  2. In your text, cite the specific section or standard.


"The NASW Code of Ethics (2021) emphasizes the importance of cultural competence and social diversity (Standard 1.05)."

To cite a specific section, include the section number or title:

"Social workers are encouraged to contribute to the knowledge base of the profession (National Association of Social Workers, 2021, Standard 5.02)."

For technology-related ethical considerations:

"Social workers using technology-assisted services must adhere to standards regarding confidentiality and informed consent (National Association of Social Workers, 2021, Technology-Assisted Social Work Services)."

This approach allows readers to easily locate the exact part of the Code you're referencing, enhancing the precision and credibility of your work.

Expert Tip: Always use the most recent version of the NASW Code of Ethics in your citations. As of 2024, the latest version was updated in 2021. Refer to the seventh edition of the APA Publication Manual for the most up-to-date guidelines on citing ethics codes (Section 10.4).

Bottom line:

Bottom line: Mastering in-text citations for the NASW Code of Ethics is essential for social work professionals and students. Whether using parenthetical or narrative citations, maintain consistency throughout your document. When citing specific sections, demonstrate a thorough understanding of the Code. Accurate citation not only shows academic integrity but also reinforces your professional credibility in social work. Remember to double-check all references against the latest APA guidelines to ensure compliance with current standards.

For additional guidance on citing NASW Code of Ethics in APA format, refer to our comprehensive guide.

Step 4: Apply Citations in Context and Review

Mastering the art of citing the NASW Code of Ethics in APA format is crucial for social work professionals and students alike. Let's explore how to apply these citations effectively and review your work for accuracy.

First Citation in a Document

When first mentioning the NASW Code of Ethics, use the full citation format:

(National Association of Social Workers [NASW], 2021)

For subsequent mentions, use the shortened version:

(NASW, 2021)

This approach maintains clarity while keeping your writing concise.

Quoting vs. Paraphrasing

For direct quotes, include the specific section number:

"The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being" (NASW, 2021, Preamble).

When paraphrasing, credit the source without a specific section:

Social workers are committed to promoting social justice and combating discrimination (NASW, 2021).

Citing in Different Document Sections and Types

Consistency is key across various social work documents:

  • Abstracts: Generally avoid citations unless absolutely necessary.
  • Main body text: Use in-text citations as discussed.
  • Reference list: Include the full reference:

National Association of Social Workers. (2021). NASW Code of Ethics. https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English

For case reports and research papers, maintain the same APA citation style throughout.

Common Citation Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Incorrect punctuation: Ensure commas and periods are correctly placed.
  2. Missing elements: Always include author (NASW), year, and title in your reference list entry.
  3. Inconsistent formatting: Stick to one citation style throughout your document.

Using Citation Management Tools

Tools like Zotero and EndNote can streamline your citation process:

  • Organize sources efficiently
  • Generate citations automatically
  • Ensure consistency across your document

These tools are particularly useful for longer papers or when managing multiple sources.

Final Proofreading Tips

Before submitting your work:

  • Cross-reference in-text citations with your reference list
  • Check for consistent formatting
  • Use this checklist to ensure you've covered all citation elements:
    • Author name (NASW)
    • Publication year (2021)
    • Correct title italicization
    • Accurate URL
    • Proper in-text citation format

Consider using bold text or bullet points to highlight key ethical principles when discussing the Code, enhancing readability and drawing attention to crucial information.

Seeking Additional Help

Don't hesitate to seek assistance if you're unsure about citation practices:

  • University writing centers often offer expertise in social work citations
  • The NASW Ethics webpage provides resources for citing the Code of Ethics correctly
  • Professional editing services specializing in APA style for social work, such as Editage or Enago, can provide an extra layer of assurance
Bottom line: Remember, proper citation isn't just about following rules – it's about respecting the profession and the ethical basics that shape our work.

By following these guidelines and utilizing available resources, you'll be well-equipped to cite the NASW Code of Ethics accurately and consistently in your social work documents.

Summary of APA Citing NASW Code of Ethics

Properly citing the NASW Code of Ethics in APA format is crucial for social work professionals and students.

This guide has equipped you with the knowledge to accurately reference this essential document in your academic and professional writing. Remember, the correct citation not only demonstrates academic integrity but also reinforces your commitment to ethical social work practice.

  • Verify you're using the most recent version of the NASW Code of Ethics (currently 2021)
  • Format your reference list entry correctly, including author, year, italicized title, and URL
  • Use appropriate in-text citations, alternating between parenthetical and narrative formats
  • Cite specific sections of the Code when necessary for precision
  • Double-check your citations against APA guidelines and proofread for consistency

As social workers, our ethical foundation is the cornerstone of our practice. How will you use your newfound citation skills to elevate the discourse on ethics in your next paper or presentation?

Bottom line: Properly citing the NASW Code of Ethics in APA format is essential for social work professionals and students. It demonstrates academic integrity and reinforces commitment to ethical practice. Remember to use the most recent version, format references correctly, use appropriate in-text citations, cite specific sections when needed, and double-check against APA guidelines.

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