Infonetica’s collaborative approach to successful implementation

Barbara Meneses
July 2, 2024

Ethics RM is a flexible system – it’s not an off-the-shelf product. A collaborative approach to implementation is key for success.

Working together with our customers during implementation we:

  • Define, build and configure a system that meets their specific needs
  • Test incrementally to identify problems quickly and minimise delay
  • Upskill them so that they can independently configure the system after implementation

Here’s a bit more detail about the principles we follow to help us succeed – regardless of the type of implementation. Get in touch to find out how Ethics RM can support your research ethics needs.

Organise a kick-off meeting and scoping sessions to devise a project plan

We use these to:

  • Explain how implementation will take place and what resources we’ll need from our customers
  • Understand exactly what our customers want from the final system

Since all our customers have slightly different requirements, this stage is key to make sure the final system meets their needs.

Off the back of this we create an implementation project plan, including timelines and a target go-live date.

As a customer who recently completed implementation put it:

“From our perspective, we couldn’t have wished for a better implementation process.”

Build the system incrementally and test it at every stage to resolve issues quickly

We like to build the system incrementally. This approach allows us and customers to test the system as it’s built so that we can resolve any issues as they come up and make sure things are on the right path.  

As a customer who recently completed implementation put it:

“Tristan* has been a joy to work with. He’s been extremely professional and clearly understands the system inside out. We need to get him some kind of gift to say thank you!”

*Infonetica’s implementation lead for this project.

Adopt a risk-management approach to anticipate and address common risks

The team at Infonetica has extensive experience in designing and implementing different ethics systems globally. This has helped us to perfect our approach and to rely on risk-management to avoid long delays and common pitfalls.

Foster a relationship built on trust and professionalism

As a customer who recently completed implementation put it:

“Infonetica built a relationship based on mutual respect. It started with Russell* well before signing any contract. He was never trying to push anything on us, he wanted to understand our needs and see how Infonetica could support them.

Then the implementation team continued to build on this relationship. During our regular meetings they were in listening mode – I felt heard.”

*Customer Engagement Manager.

Deliver ‘train-the-trainer’ training to system administrators

We want our customers to feel confident and well equipped to support their end users. To ensure this we upskill our system administrators so that they can provide user training to researchers, reviewers and ethics committee members as needed.

Our customer service continues throughout the duration of the contract

Finally, not related to implementation but something our customers value. We’re always on hand to respond to customer requests and questions after implementation. Our customer service doesn’t end there.

Get in touch!

With customers in Canada, UK, Ireland, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and Africa, we have a unique understanding of the different needs of universities, hospitals, and governmental bodies. No system is too complex, no regulatory environments are too onerous.

We’d love to chat about your research ethics needs and see how we can help.

Get in touch.

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